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Game Day Protocol

Parents & Students,

With our first game day happening tomorrow, I wanted to get some information to you regarding our typical pep rally/game day protocol. BEFORE SCHOOL Students need to report to the practice field at 7am in blue jeans, athletic shoes (not chucks), and their alternate uniform shirts (Once we have all the chucks in, we will transition into those, but as of now, we are at the mercy of when Nike will fill our order). We will have a run through of our game performance and then line up and head to the pep rally in the gym. After returning to the band hall, all non 1st period band students should immediately report to their 2nd period class to ensure prompt arrival. AFTER SCHOOL Students need to report to the band hall immediately after school and change into their alternate uniform (shorts will be passed out tomorrow), high solid black socks, and their marching shoes. Students that ordered new dinkles received their shoes today. If they did not pick them up today, they can do so tomorrow. For students who registered late, or if a size was not delivered, we have many extra pairs that students can use for the time being. THEY NEED TO LOCATE A PAIR OF SHOES BEFORE THE END OF SCHOOL TOMORROW. Students are not allowed to have any make up, nail polish, rings, or piercings on when in uniform. When dressed in their alternate uniform, students can head to the cafeteria to receive their game day meal. Meals will only be served when we have games during the week. Our parents are instructed that they are not to give a meal to any student NOT completely dressed in their alternate uniforms, black shoes, and socks to help us make sure that all students have what they need. After students eat, they will return to the band hall, grab their instruments, and head out to the practice field for a warm up/run through. When we finish our run through, they will head inside to put on their short sleeve band uniforms, then load the bus to head to the stadium. Each bus will have multiple chaperones to watch after students during our transport and will continue to be supervised through the entire game and trip home. Students have been spoken to regarding our behavior expectations and this will be reiterated once again prior to the game. After the game, we will load and return to school immediately. This should be right after 10pm but we will advise students to call their parents at departure. If you are picking up your student, please be sure that you are prompt and waiting in the parking lot, in a parking space. The less people we have pulling up to the front, blocking driving paths, the easier it will be for everyone to get in and out in a timely manner. Students should have their instrument when they go home. Everyone has playing assignments that are due every week and every member of our program needs to be practicing regularly, in addition to handling their academic priorities. If you have any questions regarding game day protocol, please email me at Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you at the game! -Mr. Asgari

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